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Mike & Duncan at WhiskyLive in London

The Hosts

Hello from Mike & Duncan! Just two guys, who met at Whisky Live one year. We got chatting in the aftermath of the monthly Blind Drams sessions and decided to launch a podcast. We just wanted it to be different. We both love whisky and funny podcasts. Put the two together and hey presto - that's us! 


He goes by @whiskywings on Twitter and Instagram, Mike got really into whisky in 2016 and has been on a journey of discovery ever since. A big podcast and rugby fan, Mike is the one who said 'let's do a pod'. SMWS member.


Known as @whiskytip Duncan has been into whisky for as long as he's been able to drink legally, but got much more into tasting and nosing whilst living in North East Asia - ravaging the excellent airport duty-free shops for Scotch and Japanese malts. Member of SMWS. Claims to have founded #TumblerClub

Mike & Duncan

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